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Dimitri Belikov

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Life's like that. As we grow and change, sometimes things we've experienced before take on a new meaning. It'll happen for the rest of your life.

—Dimitri Belikov to Rosemarie Hathawaysrc

Dimitri Belikov (Russian: Дмитрий Беликов) is the model Dhampir Guardian: lethal, disciplined, discreet, and totally committed to his role as bodyguard to the ruling Moroi, the "good" mortal vampires of his world. He lives by a deep moral code, but beneath his stoic, watchful surface, there's an expansive spirit grappling with the underlying tension between his sense of what's right and his formal duty to the Moroi.


In the books, Dimitri is a dhampir and the only son of Randall Ivashkov and Olena Belikova. He is a famous guardian. His first charge was his best friend, Ivan Zeklos, who was killed when he was off duty. He then became the guardian of Vasilisa Dragomir. When Lissa won the throne, he asked to be assigned to the Queen's partner, Christian Ozera. He is the fiancé and former combat instructor/mentor of the lead character of the series, Rosemarie Hathaway. He is also the second known person to have been restored from his Strigoi state through spirit.

Early Life[]

Dimitri Belikov (born between November 22 and December 21, 1984, in Baia, Russia) is the only son of Olena Belikova, a Russian Dhampir, and Randall Ivashkov, an abusive royal Moroi. He is the younger brother of Karolina Belikova and Sonya Belikova, and the older brother of Viktoria Belikova. Despite having been raised in a large dhampir commune—a community of blood whores and their offspring—he grew up in a loving environment thanks to his mother and grandmother. After witnessing years of the continuous abuse of his mother by his father, he beat his father up to the point where he refused to return to Baia at the age of thirteen.

While attending St. Basil's Academy in Russia, he became friends with the royal Moroi, Ivan Zeklos, who later became his charge upon his graduation. Under the guidance of his mentor, Galina, Dimitri graduated with honors and high grades. While on holiday a few years after his graduation, Ivan and his other guardian were attacked and killed by Strigoi.

Dimitri was then sent to America, where he was tasked to find and retrieve Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, a royal Moroi who fled St. Vladimir's Academy in her sophomore year. After a year's worth of investigation, Dimitri tracked her down in Portland, Oregon. Upon their return to St. Vladimir's, he was assigned as Vasilisa's guardian. Over the next few months, he began to fall in love with his student, Rosemarie Hathaway, who had left the academy two years earlier with Lissa.


Dimitri Belikov is described as being extremely handsome and attractive, standing tall at an impressive 6'7" with a long, lean, and very muscular physique. He has dark brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair, which is often tied back into a short ponytail. Like most guardians, Dimitri has multiple Molnija mark on the back of his neck; each mark represents a Strigoi he killed.

When he transformed into a Strigoi, his skin turned deathly white and his eyes glowed an intense red.


Dimitri is a quiet, soldier-like man who at first appears stoic. His emotions can be hard to read most of the time (due to his guardian 'mask'). He can appear gruff and strict at first, although he does show some acts of kindness; deep down, he is loving and has a strong loyalty to those he cares about. Dimitri is extremely loyal and dutiful, especially when it comes to guarding the Moroi.

While he was a Strigoi, his personality changed, becoming cold and distant. He felt free of his worries and proved to be very ruthless, although he still retained self-control.


Vampire Academy Series[]

Vampire Academy[]

Joined by a team of Academy guardians, Dimitri was sent to locate and retrieve Vasilisa Dragomir and Rosemarie Hathaway. He is present during the pair's questioning at the hands of Headmistress Kirova and speaks up on Rose's behalf when Kirova threatens to expel her. After, Dimitri reluctantly agrees to become Rose's mentor to help her catch up to her classmates' level of training; he proves to be a patient and wise teacher.

There is an inevitable attraction between the two; Rose's infatuation with her mentor soon turns into love, which in turn reluctantly (and dangerously) becomes mutual. Unfortunately, both are also aware it can never progress into a relationship due to their responsibilities as guardians.

The Meeting[]

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Hello, My Name Is Rose Hathaway[]

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Dimitri takes Rose to the residence of Arthur Schoenberg, a retired legendary guardian chosen to protect one of the royal Moroi families. Upon their arrival, they're shocked to find him and the Moroi murdered in a Strigoi attack. More Strigoi massacres follow, with Mia Rinaldi's mother being one of the victims. Soon after, Rose discovers where the Strigoi are hiding; she is insistent on not revealing the location to anyone but ends up stubbornly telling her fellow guardian and friend, Mason Ashford. This leads to him, Eddie Castile, and Mia going on a quest of vengeance to kill the Strigoi themselves, but none are to be found. Rose discovers their plans and sneaks out to stop them with the help of Christian Ozera. Not long after convincing them to come back, Rose and the others are kidnapped by humans working for the Strigoi. Eventually, when they attempt to escape from the kidnapper's basement, Rose is attacked by the head Strigoi, Isaiah, and his partner, Elena; they all make it out into the light except Rose. Mason is later killed by Isaiah during his attempt to rescue her. In a burst of rage, Rose kills Elena and then beheads Isaiah with a dull sword while he is distracted by Mia's water element. After, a devastated Rose holds Mason's dead body in her arms. His body is pried from her arms when Dimitri, Janine Hathaway, and other guardians arrive on the scene and proceed to get her home to St. Vladimir's.

Shadow Kiss[]

Dimitri encounters Rose during his watch of the academy grounds; after the latter sneaks out of her dormitory after a disturbing "dream" caused by Lissa, they chat. As Dimitri walks Rose back to her dormitory, Alberta appears, and Rose is forced to hide in the bushes as Dimitri and Alberta discuss the changes to Dimitri's training schedule for the next few weeks. Because Dimitri is going to Victor Dashkov's trial, he must swap training sessions with other guardians. Dimitri feels uncomfortable during the conversation since he knows Rose is listening and that she's not meant to know about Victor's trial. He ends the discussion quickly so that she doesn't learn too much about it. After Alberta leaves, Dimitri faces Rose's anger at not being told about the trial and how he refuses to convince Alberta to let her, Lissa, and Christian testify, since he claims he doesn't have enough influence to do that.

Just after the novices receive their assignments for the field experience, Dimitri is present with Alberta when Rose comes up to them to complain about her assignment. Though initially furious, Rose calms down when Dimitri and Alberta rationally explain to her the reasons for the assignment. When Rose is accused of purposefully refusing to protect her Moroi during her first Strigoi attack, Dimitri defends her, knowing that she would never take revenge in such a petty way. His words help convince the committee to keep Rose in the field experience and only give her one day of community service as a punishment. After the session has ended, Dimitri questions Rose about the real reason for her freezing up, but she refuses to tell him the truth, instead claiming that she was taken by surprise and scared. Dimitri doesn't believe her, but he can't force her to admit the truth to him.

During Rose's day of community service, Dimitri shows up to help her, just so he can spend time with her.

After Adrian pulls some strings to allow Rose, Lissa, and Christian to attend Victor's trial, Rose is sure that Dimitri finally pulled through for her, but he tells her that he didn't do anything. During the flight, when Rose starts having a migraine, Dimitri is concerned for her. In Royal Court, Rose shows up at his door with a note from Victor Dashkov implying that he will reveal Rose and Dimitri's relationship at the trial, as Rose had feared he would.

Realizing that Victor wants something from Rose, Dimitri arranges for them both to speak to him in his cell to discover what he wants. While they wait for the right time to go there, Dimitri apologizes to Rose for not being able to get her to the trial, feeling as if he had let her down. Rose, to his gratitude, tells him that he didn't let her down and has never let her down, and that she'd acted like a "total brat" regarding the matter. While speaking to Victor, Dimitri demands to know why he wanted to see Rose, but Victor refuses to give a clear answer other than that he wanted to hear about Lissa. To his surprise, Rose asks Victor questions about death and ghosts, similar to what she asked the priest on their day of community service. When Victor points out that he could reveal Dimitri and Rose's relationship in the courtroom despite having gotten what he wanted, Dimitri threatens him in a deadly tone, which shocks Rose.

The next morning, Dimitri sends a package of formal guardian clothes to Rose's room, along with a note to wear her hair up. When testifying during the trial, Dimitri lies under oath when he is questioned about the delay in alerting the academy of Lissa's abduction, stating that it was because Victor had compelled Rose to attack him. Rose notes that it pains him to lie, but he does it because he has no other choice.

Shortly before the scheduled flight back to the academy, Dimitri comes to Rhonda's office to collect Rose and Lissa, who had been given tarot readings. Rhonda convinces Dimitri to stay for a moment and receive his own tarot reading, as he appears to be a mystery she wants to solve. The cards Rhonda deals out for Dimitri are the Knight of Rods, the Wheel of Fortune, and the Five of Cups. Rhonda tells Dimitri that he "will lose what you value most, so treasure it while you can." "The wheel is turning, always turning." Dimitri takes the reading seriously and thanks Rhonda politely before he, Rose, and Lissa leave for their flight.

When Rose and the others are on the plane going back to the Academy from the Royal Court, Rose suddenly appears to have a mental breakdown, screaming "Make them go away!" and trying to get out of her seat, throwing her hands in the air before she passes out. When they get back to the academy, Alberta and Dimitri send Rose straight to the medic clinic and question her when she wakes up about what happened on the plane. Rose, feeling she shouldn't lie to her interrogators, gives in. She tells them and Dr. Olendzki about the ghosts she has been seeing and how upset and shocked she is. Without her present, Dr. Olzenski later tells Alberta and Dimitri that Rose appears to be having a "mental breakdown," which might force her to leave her guardian classes. Rose eavesdrops and is upset by what is said, throwing open the door and trying to reason with them. After not getting exactly what she wants, Rose is cut short on field experience.

When they are alone, Dimitri demands to know why Rose did not tell him this earlier, revealing that he was terrified for her on the plane. Rose tells him that she refused to tell him because she thought he wouldn't believe her.

One day, Rose accidentally slips into Lissa's mind and discovers that Jesse is torturing her, trying to make her fight him with compulsion. Suffering, Lissa starts to go into a spirit frenzy because of the dark feelings slipping into her. She attacks him with her powers, making him see hallucinations of spiders crawling over his body. Rose hurries over and tries to stop Lissa, insisting, "It isn't you." She absorbs the dark feelings from Lissa and becomes possessed by them, causing her to be filled with the desire to hurt Jesse; she attacks him. Alberta has Dimitri take Rose away to calm down.

Dimitri takes her to a nearby cabin to patch up some minor injuries and figure out what's wrong. But when their conversation takes a turn for the worse, Dimitri pins her with his body after she tries to escape and helps her fight her bloodlust. Rose and Dimitri end up having sex in the cabin - Rose's first time.

When they leave, they discuss how to balance their guardian duties with their relationship. Their plans are quickly cut short when Rose sees Mason again. He warns her there are Strigoi on campus. Dimitri implores Rose, "Tell the guardians buria." Rose runs to warn the school guardians, while Dimitri remains behind to fight the Strigoi.

The campus goes under lockdown, but those who were outside are kidnapped by the Strigoi. After she learns that Eddie was among the ones taken, Rose gets the guardians to conduct a rescue mission, and Mason helps her find the Strigoi.

Just as the assault team are about to escape, several more Strigoi ambush them. Nathan, a blonde Strigoi, overwhelms Dimitri and bites him. Rose wants to stay and go back for him, but her mother refuses to let her. Mason reluctantly informs Rose Dimitri was turned into a strigoi before fading away and finding peace. Rose drops out of school and leaves Lissa to look for Dimitri in Russia and kill him, using funds given to her by Adrian Ivashkov.

Blood Promise[]

During Shadow Kiss, Strigoi get into the school and attack the students, taking many prisoners. When the guardians go on a rescue mission to drive them from their hiding place and retake the prisoners, Dimitri is taken and turned, then disappears. In Blood Promise, Rose finds Dimitri. He is shown to have accepted his fate, and even prefers the life of a Strigoi to the enslavement of being a guardian. He attempts to convince Rose to let him turn her, as he has not lost his lust for her. His affection would never be the same, because Strigoi don't see beauty; they only see things that will gain them power, improve their personal image, etc.

Spirit Bound[]

During Spirit Bound, Rose finds a way to change a Strigoi back to their previous selves using Spirit, but she strictly tells Lissa that she would never allow her to do it. However, Lissa secretly uses her spirit to charm a stake, and at the climax of the novel, she stakes Dimitri through the heart, changing him from a Strigoi to a guilty and heartbroken Dhampir.

Dimitri states he owes his life to Lissa, and, though he doesn't voice it, he knows that he still owes his life to Rose, too. He is filled with guilt at what he did to Rose in Siberia and decides that it is best for him to stay away from her. Dimitri feels that it is impossible to forgive himself for what he did as a strigoi. He repeatedly pushes himself away from Rose when she tries to get closer again. Eventually, he becomes so desperate to keep her away that he lies and says that he does not love her anymore. "Love fades. Mine has." This sits with Rose for a long time, and she tries to get over Dimitri, believing that if she is to accept that he has moved on, she should too. No matter what she tells herself, she never truly accepts it.

Last Sacrifice[]

In Last Sacrifice, Dimitri escapes the court with Rose, the convicted murderess of the late Queen Tatiana, further convincing people that he is a Strigoi. During the journey, they come across many different gangs of Strigoi. Dimitri has to call Boris, a previous Strigoi accomplice, and pretend to be a Strigoi. Rose and Sydney thought that the experience was terrifying, and his mood was awful afterwards.

Once they meet Donovan, he nearly has a mental breakdown from the crushing guilt and memories of being Strigoi. Rose manages to help him by telling him to find the beauty in life, as Strigoi can't see it. On the entire journey, Dimitri begins to forgive himself more and more as his relationship with Rose grows stronger.


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Bloodlines Series[]

Adrian's Lost Chapter[]

Adrian came to the conclusion that Dimitri would be at Jill's dinner party because she told him Rose would be there. Rose and Dimitri are rarely far apart. In his mind, he would rather gouge his eyes out than see her and Dimitri together.


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The Golden Lily[]

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The Indigo Spell[]

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The Fiery Heart[]

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Silver Shadows[]

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The Ruby Circle[]

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Vampire Academy (Movie)[]

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Vampire Academy (TV Series)[]


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Earth. Air. Water. Fire.[]

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Death Watch[]

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Near Guard, Far Guard[]

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Beyond the Wards[]

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The Trials[]

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Powers and Abilities[]


As a Dhampir[]

  • Danger Intuition: Dhampirs have a preternatural "sense" of when danger is near. This is in part due to their strong instincts and sharp reflexes.
  • Daytime Walking: Unlike the Strigoi, Dhampir can walk around during the day like humans do.
  • Enhanced Agility: Dhampir possess greater agility than the Moroi but are not as agile as the Strigoi. Training is required to completely hone this level of agility. They also possess enhanced reflexes and flexibility, which further enhance their combat abilities.
  • Enhanced Beauty: Dhampirs are considered to possess natural beauty and height owing to their Moroi ancestry, but to a lesser degree due to hybridization with humans.
  • Enhanced Endurance: The Dhampir's highly advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than that of a human. The Dhampir's bodily tissues are harder and more resistant to certain types of injuries than the bodies of normal humans.
  • Enhanced Memory: Dhampir have great memory and can recall thoughts and memories much more easily than humans.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: Dhampir have a naturally high metabolism, which enhances their physical abilities. Thanks to this enhanced metabolism, Dhampir are resistant to diseases and most toxins, but not alcohol.
  • Enhanced Senses: A Dhampir's five senses are greatly heightened. Dhampir senses are nearly as strong and sensitive as those of a Moroi.
  • Enhanced Strength: Dhampir are exceptionally strong, allowing them to defend against and potentially kill a Strigoi. They can lift objects three times their body weight. This strength is naturally greater than that of a Moroi's.
  • Night Vision: Dhampir are able to see in the dark at night.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Dhampir heal faster and more effectively than humans. Wounds such as burns and other injuries can heal within a few hours. Their increased metabolism only improves this ability. For example, Mason could walk on his broken leg a day after sustaining it.
  • Species Detection: Dhampir are able to distinguish between Strigoi, Moroi, witches, and ordinary humans via enhanced vision and enhanced smell. They can also distinguish whether a Strigoi was human, Moroi, or Dhampir before they were created.

As a Strigoi[]

  • Darkness Adaptation: They possess perfect night vision and can see clearly even in complete darkness.
  • Enhanced Bite: Strigoi have an animalistic bite and jaw strength that allows them to shred and rend flesh.
  • Heightened compulsion: Strigoi can control the minds of humans, Dhampirs, and Moroi to a certain degree through eye contact and verbal commands.
  • Immortality: Strigoi are unable to be killed by natural causes (e.g., age, disease, heart failure, suffocation, etc.) except by staking them in the heart with a silver stake, by fire, by sunlight, or by decapitation.
  • Pain Tolerance: Strigoi can feel pain, though the older and more powerful they are, the higher their pain tolerance. Strigoi have the ability to heal from any injury within seconds.
  • Species Detection: With ease, they are able to distinguish between Strigoi, dhampirs, Moroi, witches, and ordinary people. Although dhampirs look almost like humans, they are recognized with ease by Strigoi via enhanced vision and smell.
  • Superior Endurance: Strigoi can maintain physical performance longer than Dhampirs and Moroi and not be greatly fazed by attacks.
  • Superior Senses: They can see, taste, touch, and hear better than Moroi and Dhampirs.
  • Superior Speed: Strigoi are faster than dhampirs and Moroi. They can easily catch up to their Moroi, dhampir, or human prey.
  • Superior Strength: Strigoi are significantly stronger and more fit than dhampirs or Moroi. A single strigoi can brutally beat even a well-trained dhampir into submission.
  • Supernatural Beauty: Similarly to Moroi, Strigoi are attractive by human standards. It is unclear whether this applies to human-turned Strigoi; however, Moroi and Dhampir-turned Strigoi are described to retain their attractiveness, which is amplified even further by their newfound grace.
  • Supernatural Healing Factor: Strigoi heal and recover almost instantly from any injury besides a silver stake in their heart, decapitation, or being burned by fire or sunlight. Blood can make recovery even faster and easier.
  • Vampirization: Strigoi can turn a human, Dhampir, or Moroi into another of their kind if any one drinks any amount of their blood, usually by force. Moroi can turn themselves into Strigoi by killing or draining their victim when they feed.


  • Martial Arts: Dimitri is a fully trained Guardian, having the ability to take down his opponent using martial arts without any form of weapon.
  • Weapon Adept: As a fully trained and educated Guardian, Dimitri is able to use any form of weaponry against his opponents. He is able to kill his opponents with a silver stake.


As a Dhampir[]

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As a Strigoi[]

  • Decapitation: Separating the head from the Strigoi's body will instantly kill them.
  • Fire: Fire is one of the four ways to kill a Strigoi; therefore, they tend to avoid it for fear of losing their immortality.
  • Oxygen Dependence: While Strigoi cannot die from suffocation, they still require oxygen and will lose consciousness if deprived of oxygen for too long.
  • Religious Symbols: Strigoi hate religion, holy water, saint crosses, and churches. They can't enter holy ground.
  • Silver Stake: The weapon damages the Strigoi's heart and kills them. A silver stake that is charmed with spirit magic can transform Strigoi back into their original form. A cut from a silver stake will cause them immense pain and has been described as feeling like acid being poured on their skin.
  • Sunlight: Strigoi burn when they are in direct sunlight.



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Rosemarie Hathaway[]

Rosemarie Hathaway is the love of Dimitri's life, his future wife, and his soulmate. They first meet when Dimitri comes to take Rose and Lissa back to St. Vladimir's. After they return to the academy, Dimitri fights for Rose to remain at school to become a guardian. Kirova agrees, on the condition that Dimitri becomes her mentor. Rose develops a crush on him very quickly. During combat training, she blushes when he pins her down and ends up on top of her. As her training continues and intensifies, they find out many things about each other and begin to fall in love. Dimitri hides his feelings as they both have to protect Lissa someday and cannot be distracted by each other. When Victor places a lust charm on a rose necklace that he gives Rose as a present, under its influence, the two nearly make love in Dimitri's room. Victor uses the charm to distract them as he kidnaps Lissa Dragomir for her spirit magic. When he realizes the necklace is charmed, Dimitri removes it, and he and Rose rescue Lissa. Victor is temporarily locked up at the academy. Rose asks to speak with Victor one last time. He tells her that in order for the lust charm to have worked, there had to be a certain degree of attraction between Rose and Dimitri. Victor then uses his recently turned Strigoi daughter Natalie to try to murder her, but Dimitri intervenes and Natalie is killed out of necessity. While carrying Rose to the clinic, Rose tells Dimitri what Victor had said and asks why Dimitri had lied about his affection for her. He confesses his feelings and explains why they could never be together: If ever in the future a strigoi came to attack while they both were guarding Lissa, he would be conflicted between duty and love. "If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you."

Frostbite: As a way of getting Rose out of his head, Dimitri chooses to be closer to his friend Tasha Ozera, but he can't stop thinking about Rose. He becomes jealous when Rose starts talking to Adrian Ivashkov, warning her against him. "You're not an adult yet," he tells her after he catches her in Adrian's room. When Rose leaves with Christian to stop Mason, Eddie, and Mia from attacking Strigoi in Spokane, Dimitri is extremely worried over Rose, and when he arrives at the scene, he is the only one to get through to her. Dimitri realizes that even though he could become Tasha's guardian and husband (the only chance he'd have of having his own children; two dhampirs are incapable of having children together), he could never love Tasha in the way that she wanted. "Not when my heart is somewhere else."

Shadow Kiss: When Rose's final training comes up, the sexual desire between Dimitri and Rose has started to heighten towards each other. He becomes extremely worried when spirit's effects cause Rose to see ghosts, most notably Mason, who died in Spokane in Frostbite.

After Rose takes on Lissa's darkness and brutally attacks Jesse Zeklos, Dimitri takes Rose to a cabin in the woods, where he manages to break through Rose's frenzy, and they end up having sex for the first time.

Shortly after this, Dimitri is attacked and forcefully turned into a Strigoi, fleeing to Russia to stay away and protect Rose.

Blood Promise: Rose follows Dimitri to Russia to stake him, as he'd asked her to do if he ever became a strigoi in the earlier novel. After he finds out she is searching for him, he kidnaps her and drinks from her, trying to persuade her to awaken as Strigoi. After she manages to escape, he chases her to a nearby bridge, where Rose nearly jumps off rather than be turned. He saves her, but this gives her an opening to kill him. However, thanks to Rose not staking him all the way through the chest, combined with the impact of the river pushing the stake all the way out before it could kill him, he survives. Once she gets back to the US, he sends her a letter, along with the stake she used to "kill" him.

Spirit Bound: Lissa is able to turn Dimitri back to normal in Spirit Bound. Out of guilt, he pushes Rose away to protect her, even to the point that he tells her that his love for her has faded, breaking her heart and leading her to decide to almost have sex with Adrian to move on. Before a situation leads to him fiercely defending her from the guardians sent to arrest her for murder.

Last Sacrifice: Dimitri and friends break Rose out of prison when she is framed for killing Queen Tatiana in Last Sacrifice. Over time, Rose thinks her love for Dimitri is fading, but their love for one another grows stronger as they try to find proof of Rose's innocence.

When Rose is once again overcome with spirit, Dimitri helps her forgive herself for accidentally killing Victor Dashkov. Dimitri finally proclaims that his love has never wavered, and even though he does not want Rose to cheat on Adrian, they have sex for the second time in their hotel room.

Dimitri and Rose travel back to court, where Tasha is revealed to be the killer. She takes Mia (a friend of Rose's) hostage and, when confronted by guardians, aims a gun at Lissa. Rose jumps in front of her and gets shot in the chest. Dimitri believes he has lost her and is overcome with grief. However, in light of this, he forgives himself and realizes that Rose really does love him and has also forgiven him. Rose miraculously recovers. After Lissa is proclaimed Queen, Rose and Dimitri are able to have a relationship since Rose becomes one of Lissa's Guardians, and Dimitri is assigned to Christian Ozera, Lissa's boyfriend.

Shortly after Rose's recovery, both of them go to Russia together to see his family again, and throughout the trip, Dimitri drops hints that he wants to marry Rose. Also, Adrian Ivashkov says the two are inseparable when at court and on duty and "moved almost as one entity, like a matched pair of wolves or lions, both weary and deadly as they studied their surroundings." When off duty, he said they "had been too wrapped up in each other, sitting outside on a sunny day. She'd leaned against Dimitri, looking content in a way Adrian had never seen -- certainly not while he'd dated her. She'd said something that made Dimitri laugh, bringing a smile to the other man's hard features, a smile that Adrian hadn't thought was possible.

When at Palm Springs, Dimitri greatly misses Rose, and when she calls him at the restaurant, according to Sydney, his face glows and a large smile comes across his face.

At the wedding of Sonya Karp and Mikhail Tanner, he is seen with Rose, arm-in-arm and dancing together.

Dimitri loves Rose's hair, and he calls her Roza when thinking or speaking of her with affection or love.

In the epilogue of Ruby Circle, Dimitri proposes to Rose with a cut diamond ring surrounded by blue sapphires... She finally answers "Yes" and sometimes wears it.

A Quote From Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide


What was the exact moment that Dimitri fell in love with Rose?

"I'm not sure that we can pinpoint the exact moment that Dimitri fell for Rose. It was definitely a gradual thing that crept up on him (and her!). I can say for sure, though, that he was awestruck by her at their very first meeting. Rose throwing herself between Lissa and the guardians, even when she was hopelessly outnumbered, is definitely one of the most powerful scenes in the series. It establishes Rose's nature right away--both her bravery and intense devotion to those she loves. Dimitri possesses those exact same traits, and I think seeing that in her was definitely a moment when the world stood still for him." -- Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide. Page 254.

Natasha Ozera[]

Tasha Ozera was one of Dimitri's closest friends. After she visits the academy, Dimitri tries to get over Rose by getting closer to Tasha, already aware of her feelings. When Tasha offers him the option to become her guardian and lover (with the possibility of having a family together in the future), Dimitri refuses, finally accepting the fact his heart belonged to another person: Rose Hathaway. Because of his refusal, Tasha decides to get rid of Rose by killing the queen with Rose's stake, making her the main suspect for the murder. After framing Rose, she tries to get closer to Dimitri again, thinking she has a chance without any other rival in her way. The main problem was that Dimitri still loved and believed in Rose, supporting her during her imprisonment. Heartbroken and desperate after the guardians tried to retain her, Tasha shoots Rose. After her treason against the Moroi society and second murder attempt, the relationship between Dimitri and Tasha is unknown.


Christian Ozera[]

Christian Ozera is Dimitri's charge at the end of Last Sacrifice. They become close friends due to Dimitri being his guardian.

Adrian Ivashkov[]

Adrian and Dimitri are rivals for Rose's love, and Adrian holds a grudge against him after Rose leaves him for Dimitri. They also clash due to having different work ethics. They do eventually become friends to a certain extent, although Adrian teases that he "can't hold his liquor." Dimitri tries to help Adrian after he becomes depressed after the Alchemists abduct Sydney, but is rebuffed. It is shown that he accepts the marriage between Adrian and human Sydney Sage. It is later revealed that Dimitri is the first cousin of Adrian, due to Adrian's uncle, Randall Ivashkov, being Dimitri's father.

Vasilisa Dragomir[]

Lissa Dragomir is initially Dimitri's new charge, as he brings her and Rose back from Portland. Over time, they become close friends, though she was initially hurt when Rose didn't tell her about her and Dimitri's relationship. Lissa uses a silver stake charmed with spirit to turn Dimitri back into a dhampir when he was a Strigoi, and he becomes eternally grateful towards Lissa, thinking of her as an angel. Dimitri feels as though he will always be in debt to Lissa for turning him back from being Strigoi. Their friendship continues, as Lissa is named Queen and Dimitri becomes the Guardian of Lissa's boyfriend, Christian Ozera.


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"Yes, Roza. I did want you. I still do. I wish…we could be together."

"You act young," he said, "because you are young. But you know things, Roza. Things people older than you don't even know. That day.... You were right, about how I fight to stay in control. No one else has ever figured that out- and it scared me. You scare me."

"Don't worry, Roza, I'm not afraid. I'll take whatever heat they give me over being with you. It's worth it."

"Maybe you should hit harder."

"One of the few downsides to being awakened is that we no longer require sleep; therefore we also no longer dream. It's a shame, because if I could dream, I know I'd dream about you."

"I knew that. But I still wanted the relationship. I knew it would be easy and that she could take me away from you. I thought she could make me forget you."

"But she couldn't."-rose

"Yes. And, so.....that's a problem."

"Borscht, not borg. And I've seen your appetite. If you were hungry enough, you'd eat it."


  • Dimitri - Masculine first name of Russian origin which means "devoted to" or "dedicated to". This alludes to Dimitri's strong devotion to Rose as well as his duty and responsibility as a Guardian. Dimitri is a tri-syballic name which is pronounced as de-mee-tree.
  • Belikov - Russian surname which originates from Belik, a diminutive form of the name Belyi, meaning "White".


  • Both Dimitri and Rose had a resentment towards one of their parents (Dimitri with his father, Rose with her mother).
  • Dimitri is the only character to appear in all books (both Vampire Academy Series and Bloodlines Series) thus far.
  • It is possible that Dimitri and Rose will marry; if they do, they will be the first Guardian couple to marry and continue their duties.
  • According to Richelle Mead, Dimitri will be pushing marriage more than Rose, as Mead said that Dimitri will be the one who wants to settle down of the two of them.
  • Mead reported recently that Dimitri thinks that the Russian composer, Tchaikovsky is a good composer, but Dimitri stills loves the 1980's music.
  • In the film, Dimitri is seen to have been born in 1989.
  • According to Mead, Dimitri holds a Blood Master Level 7 which is considered the highest level in Guardian standards.
  • Dimitri enjoys reading novels set in the American 'Old West'.
  • He also cannot live without a duster coat, which he loves.
  • Dimitri is the first cousin of Royal Moroi and former rival, Adrian Ivashkov.
  • Since Dimitri is a restored Strigoi, he and Rose have the option of having their own biological children.
  • At the end of Ruby Circle, Dimitri and Rose are engaged.
  • During a Twitter chat in 2012, Mead stated that Dimitri is a Sagittarius.[1] The birth dates for Sagittarius are November 22nd - December 21st.
    • If you take the fandom's accepted birthday of March 21st 1992 for Rose, this would put Dimitri being born in late 1984 (making him 7 1/2 years older than her) or late 1985 (6 1/2 years older). Late 1984 is more likely since the series starts with them at 17/24; as a Sagittarius, he would've had his 25th birthday at some point between VA and the end of Frostbite.
    • Dimitri's birthday can be further narrowed down using the timeline established in Frostbite. Rose states that he's 24 in the book's prologue, and the opening chapter starts "a week or so" before Christmas. This places Dimitri's birthday between (approximately) the 15th and the 21st of December.

External Links[]


See Dimitri Belikov/Gallery

