Vampire Academy Series Wiki
Vampire Academy Series Wiki
How do you not know where the heart is? Especially considering how many of them you've broken?

—Mason Ashford

Mason Ashford is a dhampir, a novice guardian, and one of Rose Hathaway's best friends. He helps Rose out a lot throughout the series.


He is interested in Rose romantically, and she eventually attempts to like him, only to find it impossible because of her unbreakable connection to Dimitri Belikov.


Mason is described as being handsome with red hair that sticks up in every direction, blue eyes (which appear brown in the graphic novel), and freckles. He is seen as having a muscular and tall figure, which, according to Rose, is the body type of a fully trained Guardian. Mason is seen as being very attractive to girls, as Rose and Mia both agreed that Mason was cute and handsome. Rose said he was hot, but she never noticed he was "sexy" until Frostbite when he made a suggestive comment.

During Hello, My Name Is Rose Hathaway, Mason dressed up as a typical ghost with a white sheet that had two holes cut out. He later gave up his costume to Rose so that she could pretend to be Guardian Mertens.


Mason was seen as being a brave, selfless, and understanding person. He also comes across as being extremely funny and sharing a sense of humor similar to that of Rose and Christian. Despite this, Mason was prone to jealousy, especially when Rose was concerned due to his feelings towards her, but he also felt that he needed to prove himself to others.

He was also seen as selfless when he attempted to save Rose from Isaiah in Spokane, which unfortunately led to his death. Even in death, Mason was seen as helpful towards Rose, warning her about the upcoming Strigoi attack, but also that he didn't hold any ill feelings towards Rose because of his death, as when he moved on he was seen laughing sweetly.


Vampire Academy Series[]

Vampire Academy[]


Hello, My Name Is Rose Hathaway[]

On St. Varvara's Day, Mason invites Rose to join his and Eddie's team for the scavenger hunt. Rose declines at first, but after some convincing from Lissa, she goes and accepts his invitation. Mason, Eddie, and Rose devise a plan to get as many of the higher-point items as possible and split up. After some time, they come together and see how many points they have. They didn't have enough to beat Shane's team, so Rose went and stole Kirova's cat earrings, which pushed them to the win. Mason gains newfound respect and awe for Rose.


Mason's life is ended in Frostbite after trying to save Rose. After making it into the sunlight, he returns to the shade of the building while attempting to kill the strigoi. He dies when the Strigoi, who goes by the name Isaiah, snaps his neck, much to Rose's devastation.

Shadow Kiss[]

In Shadow Kiss, Rose sees his ghost around the academy as the result of the weakening wards. Mason tries to give Rose clues but is waved off; she thinks she's going crazy. Later on, he appears to her and manages to tell her, "They're...coming..." meaning Strigoi were on campus. After the wards went back up, he was locked out, so Rose went off campus to get him to show her where the strigoi were hiding. When asked by Rose, he points out on a map where the strigoi are hiding while the sun is up.

After the rescue mission in the Strigoi-infested caves, Rose is desperately trying to find Dimitri. She isn't sure if he's dead or alive. She consults Mason about it, asking him questions about Dimitri. When asked if he was dead or alive, Mason immediately shook his head. When Rose asks if Dimitri became a strigoi, Mason is hesitant to reply but eventually nods, revealing that Dimitri has been changed.

At the end of Shadow Kiss, Mason's forty days as a ghost because of his young, violent death have come to an end. He is described as faded out when making his last interaction with Rose. He finds peace and finally leaves.

Blood Promise[]


Spirit Bound[]


Last Sacrifice[]


Bloodlines Series[]



The Golden Lily[]


The Fiery Heart[]


Vampire Academy (Movie)[]


Vampire Academy (TV Series)[]


On Challenge Day, Mason and Rose fight so that Rose can get to number one on the leaderboard. During the fight, Rose entered Lissa's mind and lost the fight, causing Mason to continue being first. They see each other later, after Rose and Lissa are banned from being roommates. Rose is sitting at a computer reading an email from her mom when Mason approaches her and asks if she's okay. He lets Rose lay her head on his lap as she talks about the problems that she has recently faced.

Earth. Air. Water. Fire.[]


Death Watch[]




Near Guard, Far Guard[]




The Trials[]






Powers and Abilities[]


  • Danger Intuition: Dhampirs have a preternatural "sense" of when danger is near. This is in part due to their strong instincts and sharp reflexes.
  • Daytime Walking: Unlike the Strigoi, Dhampir can walk around during the day like humans do.
  • Enhanced Agility: Dhampir possess greater agility than the Moroi but are not as agile as the Strigoi. Training is required to completely hone this level of agility. They also possess enhanced reflexes and flexibility, which further enhance their combat abilities.
  • Enhanced Beauty: Dhampirs are considered to possess natural beauty and height owing to their Moroi ancestry, but to a lesser degree due to hybridization with humans.
  • Enhanced Endurance: The Dhampir's highly advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than that of a human. The Dhampir's bodily tissues are harder and more resistant to certain types of injuries than the bodies of normal humans.
  • Enhanced Memory: Dhampir have great memory and can recall thoughts and memories much more easily than humans.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: Dhampir have a naturally high metabolism, which enhances their physical abilities. Thanks to this enhanced metabolism, Dhampir are resistant to diseases and most toxins, but not alcohol.
  • Enhanced Senses: A Dhampir's five senses are greatly heightened. Dhampir senses are nearly as strong and sensitive as those of a Moroi.
  • Enhanced Strength: Dhampir are exceptionally strong, allowing them to defend against and potentially kill a Strigoi. They can lift objects three times their body weight. This strength is naturally greater than that of a Moroi's.
  • Night Vision: Dhampir are able to see in the dark at night.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Dhampir heal faster and more effectively than humans. Wounds such as burns and other injuries can heal within a few hours. Their increased metabolism only improves this ability. For example, Mason could walk on his broken leg a day after sustaining it.
  • Species Detection: Dhampir are able to distinguish between Strigoi, Moroi, witches, and ordinary humans via enhanced vision and enhanced smell. They can also distinguish whether a Strigoi was human, Moroi, or Dhampir before they were created.











Rosemarie Hathaway[]

Mason was simply and plainly in love with Rosemarie Hathaway. They were very good friends. They had many classes together but were also connected because of their love for pranks and their shared sense of humor. Mason was willing to do anything for Rose, as she convinced him to get her St. Vladimir's diaries from Christian Ozera in the attic of the church. He was also protective of Rose, especially when other males would insult her.

In Frostbite, they began dating. When Rose kissed Mason, he looked as though his birthday wish had come true, but he was prone to jealousy toward Adrian Ivashkov and others. In Spokane, Mason was going to protect Rose from Strigoi when she was cornered in the living room. Mason went out of the sunlight to save Rose, but he was killed by Isaiah almost instantly. Rose, in her grief, killed both Isaiah and Elena in the living room and stayed with Mason's body, refusing to leave.

In Shadow Kiss, Mason was seen several times by Rose, due to her shadow-kissed status, where he continued to protect and be of help to Rose. When Mason moved on, it was shown that he never blamed Rose for his death and that he hoped she would be happy in the future.

Eddie Castile[]

Eddie Castile was Mason's best friend. Their relationship was similar to that of brothers, as they both supported and joked together. They both had similar personalities and wanted to protect the Moroi; this eventually led to them going to Spokane to find Strigoi. After Mason's death, it was seen that this greatly impacted Eddie, changing his personality and emotional stability, though it was also seen that Mason cared deeply for Eddie, as he saw him as his brother. In Bloodlines, Eddie falls for Jillian Mastrano Dragomir but meets a human named Micah, who has the same personality and looks as Mason. Micah has a crush on Jill as well and feels as though he owes it to Micah because he still carries guilt over Mason's death. In The Fiery Heart, when Neil wanted to hunt a strigoi, Eddie told him that it's too dangerous, and he and his friends once did the same, mentioning his best friend (Mason) ended up dead. Eddie and Jill eventually begin dating later in the Bloodlines series.

Dimitri Belikov[]

Mason was seen to respect and look up to Dimitri Belikov; he was the one who famously called Dimitri a "God" to Rose. It could seem that Mason was inspired by Dimitri.









External Links[]




TV Series[]

